The Soul Searching Project — Chapter 3— When life just won’t give you lemons
It might get a little personal today since this will be a chapter taken over by me, Stefan, the writer, and creator behind The Soul Searching Project.
So buckle up and raise your water glass for a toast: to all the ideas we’ve never written, all the plans we delayed until they became obsolete, and feelings we never got the chance to express. ✨🥂
I am not trying to keep you engaged in reading this newsletter and slightly capture your attention just a little more until you reach the end of this email.
No, I am writing this as an open message to anyone struggling to get past themselves whenever they have a burning desire to pursue anything that brings a smile to their faces at the end of the day.
This is an image I am incredibly proud to share.
I took this picture more than 5 years ago while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up from my first paid photo shoot at someone’s birthday.
Coincident or not, I was and still am sharing the same birthday with the girl for whose party I was being paid to shoot.