Something to listen to you - Chapter 18
I don’t think you can comprehend.
The amount of thoughts you have created, discarded, filtered, joined together, changed, shared, memorized, left to be forgotten. And it all happened in your mind.
And if you’re a fan of astrophysics, you would think that it could amount to a decent spacetime singularity point that existed and at the same time didn’t.
Everything is so densely packed in our jiggly electric brains, and sometimes we’re so out of control.
No thought police to chase down the bad ones. A bit of anarchy because luckily, none of us had experienced brains written in monarchy or technocracy. At least I hope so.
But in the world we live in today, and it’s a beautiful one ofc, it’s not common practice to have a bit of patience and to interrogate each idea that pops up in our minds.
Surely, you’re in the right place because you can download a guide for how to erase every negative thought in your brain below!! 🤑✨🙌🏻🙏🏻🕵🏻♂️
All you have to do is not believe any of this nonsense that is easily spread across every social media platform, but take a deep breath, grab a blank sheet of paper, and continue reading this email.
Seriously, don’t buy into that pyramid scheme bs on the internet! 🎰
As unattractive as a blank sheet of paper might be, it’s your friend now, and you can actually be nice to it.
And I don’t mean you should buy it a drink, although anyone would love a free drink from their friend.
But it’s something that is ready to hold the weight of knowing your most honest thoughts, your biggest fears, failures, love stories you never shared, made-up recipes, and so on. I think you got the idea.
The moment of facing something we don’t regularly do is when there’s a clear distinction between what we want and what we need.
And if struggling with a bunch of thoughts that are not helpful in your way of living life is something you deal with, then choosing to sit down and allow yourself to freely express your biggest concerns and how dreadful life feels sometimes might help a lot.
Think of it this way.
Things are as real as we pay attention to them.
And the only way to know what’s real and not is to ask questions and find the answers you need. We have mentioned the “question” as a great tool in one of the previous chapters, but now it’s about getting all the evidence before deciding what’s real.
Not sure whether you should pay money to see your favorite artist in another country?
Write down the whole process, from costs, benefits, what is the impact it will have on your life, and so on.
You have too many things in your head that seem to be overwhelming to the point you reach your coping mechanisms. Write a list of everything that’s awful and seems unescapable and the best-case scenario.
Refresh your view of the world that exists inside of your mind.
Imagine writing down so many fears and realizing they don’t really exist around you, but only in your mind.
Now go on and start doodling the mind-map you need.
Thank you for reading and supporting The Soul Searching Project. 🙏🏻
May you walk the trail that fully helps you uncover your purpose, and enjoy the process of soul searching.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to email me at or send me a DM on my Instagram account.
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