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Member-only story

Short Reminder That Old Patterns Are Not Easy To Change

Stefan Lobont


The hard part of overcoming old patterns isn’t changing them.

It’s the moment you realize how harmful they are for your present and future self, and not being able to do something about it.

To understand the steps you need to make in order to change them, you first have to see the future version of yourself that has already rewired his/her/their brain.

The second step will help you understand how the better version came to life by walking through the whole development process backwards.

As Steve Jobs said: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards”.

Last but not least, give yourself time. There are plenty of moments when we find ourselves wanting a faster change so that the hardship we’re going through wouldn’t affect us for too much time.

But this change has a plan based on the solution we find and the time we need to put it into practice. It can’t work without both of these together.

And remember that change isn’t supposed to be easy, nor impossible.



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