Eye-Opening Patterns — Part 2
The truth is, everything matters. Everything. To the smallest detail.
The way we get out of bed every morning.
The way our smile is slightly asymmetrical.
The way our voices are a bit too loud in places they shouldn’t.
Many things can turn into unfathomable weights on our minds. Unless we don’t pay attention to them.
It only takes one flip of a switch inside our brain to begin questioning the very essence of our actions and reactions to the world around us. But some things will still be too difficult to reach since they are so embedded within our routines and systems we have created to facilitate comfort and existence.
The dots can only be connected by looking backward.
And so, our best attempt into trying to process and change the most well-written habits in our brains is to stop the ongoing madness, take a deep breath, and sit in a comfortable place as we go down memory lane to uncover: what was the struggling moment we faced, what we wanted, the decision-making process.
Questions that have difficult answers are, for some of us, a real struggle. Especially if questioning your authenticity and values is not on your weekly to-do list.
Finding answers is difficult. But this tremendous task is nothing but a path-finding algorithm meant to get you to your desired destination. Or at least closer to that.
But here’s the catch: questions will only get you as far as their quality is. Meaning that only by asking the right questions you will unlock the right and useful answers.
And once we open our eyes to the multitude of details about ourselves by using this tool, the question, another chip is placed on our shoulders. Understanding the new reality, getting accustomed to it, and taking action.
A great analysis is an empty promise without proper planning. Proper planning is a false dream without consistent action. While you’re discovering new pieces of the puzzle that were probably hiding in plain sight, picking them up and figuring out where to place them so that they fit in your space is a different type of work.
But remember to take out the pieces that have already yet to find their perfect fit.
Thank you for reading and supporting The Soul Searching Project. 🙏🏻
May you walk the trail that fully helps you uncover your purpose, and enjoy the process of soul searching.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to email me at stefanlobont.creator@gmail.com or send me a DM on my Instagram account.
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