Don’t get distracted from happiness
It feels like a dystopian dream to experience so many forms of entertainment at the same time.
So much so that we start wondering what’s the true form of happiness when the label of happiness is being thrown on every product on sale.
Is this what our ancestors wanted us to fulfill? Eradicating the feeling of danger, and drowning in dopamine-producing products and services?
This newsletter is not on sale, and unlike all the other forms of content, it is more difficult to digest and understand. For a purpose.
Time looks better when it’s displayed on a colorful screen.
Even more when that screen is the true portal to a place we could easily call home as well if we compare the time we spend using it with the time spent using any other object around us.
And why wouldn’t we give in to the endless possibilities of such a light piece of technology that fits in most of our pockets, can find us friends to be around, can properly feed our nutritional needs, and much more?
It is how we come back from that world, and how we choose to filter the noise coming in as “input” and use it the right way to create our own masterpieces.
Sitting with the distractions is a brave attempt in learning how to deal with them.
That nudging feeling that something is sitting awfully in your backpack and is poking your rib out is exactly the feeling I am addressing right now.
There is something there that keeps you from running as fast as you wish you would. And often times we don’t get to choose whether we can stop feeling that discomfort or not.
Each step gets even more uncomfortable. We might lose our temper and the calmness we planned to have turned into oblivion.
If you’re usually not a positive person, hopelessness is the go-to feeling.
We might as well just let go of each little thing that is poking a hole in our backs to enjoy the walk.
But noise and distractions will always be there, and so will our understanding of them too.
We can continue to let them affect our reality, or work on the single thing we can be truly in control of: our perception of reality.
May you walk the trail that fully helps you uncover your purpose, and enjoy the process of soul searching.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to email me at or send me a DM on my Instagram account.
The Soul Searching Project is a storyline-based newsletter that leads the way toward an easier process of self-discovery and development.
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